Modern Slavery Statement
The Eviuqe Foam is a major Manufacturer within the UK.
Evique Foam recognises the responsibility it has, along with its suppliers, to operate in an ethical manner.
As part of this responsibility, we acknowledge the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Therefore,
Evique Foam is working to ensure that there is sufficient transparency both within the organisation itself,
and within its supplier base.
In relation to its suppliers, has updated the Service Level Agreements (“SLA”) that it has with its major
suppliers in order to include a reference requiring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The
update to the SLA also includes a request that our suppliers comply with Evique Foam Code of Conduct
and that they complete a self-assessment questionnaire in relation to this area. Our supplier appraisal
process has been updated to take into account what commitment and actions our suppliers are taking to
comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Evique Foam wants its customers to be confident that both Evique Foam and its business partners treat
their employees fairly, with respect for their human rights.
Evique Foam will not work with any organisations that either has or is found to knowingly involve with either
human trafficking or modern slavery.